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My name is Joan Smedinghoff and I am a graduate of Dickinson College with a degree in environmental studies. While a student at Dickinson, the word "sustainability" crept into my vocabulary, and in the middle of trying to determine what it meant to me, I discovered my passion for urban planning, communications, and policy.


I am fascinated by urban planning and policy because I love the idea of designing systems that support and promote sustainable living in everyday life, particularly in transportation and waste management. Transportation is a necessity, and figuring out the most efficient way to get people where they need to go is important to living in a world of finite resources. Waste management, too, is an issue that we cannot ignore, as our population grows and our products are made out of more complicated, less degradable materials.


I have always seen communications within the environmental realm as paramount because, in order to promote and support behavioral change, organizations must be able to effectively communicate their mission, goals, and rationale behind what they promote.

I have worked the past four years at learning more about these topics. I invite you to take a look around at my portfolio. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.




Joan Smedinghoff

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